- capon roast
- жареный каплун
veal roast — жареная телятина
roast mutton — жареная баранина
piglet roast — жареный поросенок
roast chicken — жареный цыпленок
larded roast — шпигованное жареное мясо
English-Russian travelling dictionary. 2015.
veal roast — жареная телятина
roast mutton — жареная баранина
piglet roast — жареный поросенок
roast chicken — жареный цыпленок
larded roast — шпигованное жареное мясо
English-Russian travelling dictionary. 2015.
larded roast — шпигованное жареное мясо pot roast тушёное мясо rib roast жареное ребро roast duck жареная утка ham roast жареная ветчина capon roast жареный каплун … English-Russian travelling dictionary
Christmas dinner — An oven roasted turkey. Christmas dinner is the primary meal traditionally eaten on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. In many ways the meal is similar to a standard Sunday dinner. Christmas feasts have traditionally been luxurious and abundant.… … Wikipedia
Chifa — A Chifa dish called Airport Chifa is a term used in Peru to refer to a style of Chinese cooking in which ingredients which are available in Peru have been substituted for those originally used in China. Chinese immigrants came to Peru mainly from … Wikipedia
Entremet — An entremet (or entremets, from Old French, literally meaning between servings ) is in modern French cuisine a small dish served between courses or simply a dessert. Originally it was an elaborate form of entertainment dish common in Western… … Wikipedia
food — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Nourishment Nouns 1. food, aliment, nourishment, nutriment; aliment[ation], foodstuffs, sustenance, nurture, subsistence, provender, daily bread, fodder, provision, ration, keep, commons, board; fare,… … English dictionary for students
French cuisine — Basil salmon terrine Foie gras … Wikipedia
Coronation of George IV — George IV s train was borne by eight eldest sons of peers and by the Master of the Robes. From left to right: The King, Earl of Surrey, Marquess of Douro, Viscount Cranborne, Earl of Brecknock, Earl of Uxbridge, Earl of Rocksavage, Earl of Rawdon … Wikipedia
Subtlety — A subtlety (also sotelty or soteltie ) was an elaborate form of dish common during the late Middle Ages in Europe, particularly in England and France. [Laurioux, Bruno, Les livres de cuisine en Occident à la fin du Moyen Age , Thèse de doctorat:… … Wikipedia
Italian cuisine — This article is part of the series … Wikipedia
List of Chopped episodes — This is the list of episodes for the Food Network competition reality series Chopped. New episodes air every Tuesday at 9pm and 10pm EST. Contents 1 Series overview 2 Season 1 (2009) … Wikipedia